Project “I, an Oltenia-Based Peasant, need an education!”

Project funded by SEE 2009-2014 grants, within Romania NGO Fund;

What are we going to do!
We will contribute to the national target of reducing early school drop-out below 11.3% by 2020, through the proposed objective of keeping at least 220 children in the educational system, until the end of the 2016 school year, at the level of Fărcaș and Goiești communities in Dolj County.

When? – May 1st, 2014- April 30th, 2016

In response to the increased risk of school dropout at national level and in the context of the European Union’s priority to reduce school dropout to the level of 10% by 2020, the Adina Stiftelsen Foundation from Romania, accredited as a provider of social services and active in providing educational services for the prevention of school dropout in rural areas of Dolj county, according to the statute, considered it necessary to initiate a project that would continue to support the maintenance of a double number of children in school compared to the numbers supported until now, in conjunction with the increase in the quality of the educational act and sensitizing parents to the need for a solid education, so that as many of the multiple causes at the origin of the school dropout phenomenon can be solved.

By providing educational services – carrying out after-school activities, such as: homework support; English course – beginners, creative activities, sports activities, traditional or “society” dances, etc. by providing educational materials and other minimum conditions necessary for the quality of the educational act (consumable materials, didactic-educational materials and equipment); through teacher training services (training sessions, work visits to Romania and Norway); through counseling services offered to parents and volunteers, including joint teacher-parent-child activities.

Promoter: Adina Stiftelsen Foundation (ASF)
Partner 1: Adina Stiftelsen Norway (AS)
Partner 2: Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon Norway (SKBB)
Program Operator in Romania – Civil Society Development Foundation (FDSC), in partnership with Environmental Partnership Foundation (FP) and the Resources Center for Roma Communities (CRCR).

The content of this website does not necessarily represent the official position of the SEE grants 2009-2014. The entire responsibility for the correctness and coherence of the information presented rests with the initiators of the website.
For official information on EEA and Norwegian grants go to

Component 0: Organization and promotion
The conclusion of partnerships and the agreement of all parties involved and who can contribute to the achievement of the objectives proposed in the project.


Component 1:
Educational services for preschoolers

88 children of pre-school age enrolled in 2014 still appearing in the records of the educational system at the end of December 2015 and 2 educators trained in the application of the Apen Barnehage concept.


Component 2:
Educational services for school children

140 school-age children enrolled in 2014 still appearing in the records of the education system at the end of December 2015 and 8 trained teachers/teachers.


Component 3: Parent counseling services

20 parents counseled in order to ensure a favorable family climate to eliminate the risk of school dropout and 10 volunteers trained in the application of the Home Start concept.


Component 4:
Advocacy, sustainability and promotion

Expected result: a memorandum to the National Ministry of Education containing the recommendations formulated during the project submitted by April 30, 2016 at the latest.
