“Let’s build people”. The programs of the Adina Foundation change communities in Dolj
Let’s build people. Let’s build people. People who, on the basis of integrated educational support, can develop their skills and competences from kindergarten to entering the labor market. With this mission, the Adina Foundation set
From Pupil To Employee: Advocacy and Training for Youth and Women at Risk in Dolj county
“Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe” The project aims to establish the V13 and Empo programs, which will act as a framework for activities dedicated to inactive youth and housewives/inactive women. In
Project launch: “From Pupil To Employee: Advocacy and Training for Youth and Women at Risk in Dolj county”
On 30.03.2021 we officially launched the project “From Pupil To Employee: Advocacy and Training for Youth and Women at Risk in Dolj county”The online event was an opportunity to present the objectives and activities of
The mapping stage of the sociological research within the project “From Pupil To Employee: Advocacy and Training for Youth and Women at Risk in Dolj county”
Together with the volunteer students from the Craiova Faculty of Social Sciences, specialization – Sociology, we started the mapping within the sociological research we are carrying out, as part of the project “From Pupil To
Centralization, interpretation and analysis prior to the realization of the sociological research
We are excited to announce that the application stage of the questionnaires has been successfully completed!Over the past 7 weeks, 19 volunteers have invested 829 hours of their time. In this way, we want to
Because every person matters
How do you think our themed workshops started? With smiles, emotions and a lot of openness, that is, in the most natural way. The participants, volunteers and the team got to know each other, became
Our young volunteers and an extraordinary experience
During the period between 16th–31st of August 2021, we participated as partners in the projects “Youth’s Perspective on Employment” and ” On the way to school”, projects financed through the Erasmus+ Program, Key Action: Mobility
Proiect derulat de Fundația Adina Stiftelsen în parteneriat cu Adina Stiftelsen Bergen și Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon, cu sprijinul financiar Active Citizens Fund România, program finanțat de Islanda, Liechtenstein și Norvegia prin Granturile SEE 2014-2021. Pentru mai multe detalii accesați www.eeagrants.org Informații despre Active Citizens Fund România sunt disponibile la www.activecitizensfund.ro.