Program info

The Afterschool program offers both educational and recreational activities to children from underprivileged families, students in grades I-IV of schools in the communes of Goiești and Șimnicu de Sus.

The Afterschool program is available to children immediately after the end of compulsory classes. All participants benefit from meals provided by the foundation and participate in activities supported by volunteer teachers, activities consisting of: supervision and support in doing homework, creative workshops, painting, dance, cultural identity enhancement, social skills development and hygiene courses.

Program information

This program provides support to vulnerable families (with at least one pre-school age child) through carefully selected volunteers, trained and supervised by a professional.

Volunteers, usually parents themselves, visit the family for six months, once a week for two to three hours. Family visits last as long as the family needs them.

Nivelul 4 – Pin intermediul Programului Home Start prevenim apariția problemelor ce pot afecta dezvoltarea armonioasă a copiilor în propria familie prin întarirea capacității familiei de a cunoaște nevoile de dezvoltare a copilului și de a răspunde în mod adecvat acestor nevoi.

Beneficiaries of the program

Children enrolled in grades I-IV in the communes where the foundation carries out activities


Bani strânși
$78,200 / $
Până atingem target-ul
$ 0
0 %
Oameni ajutați

Annual Report 2023

Adina AfterSchool

In 2023 also, we materially supported the specific activities of the “School after school” Program organized by Goiești Secondary School and Leșile Secondary School, projects approved by the Dolj County School Inspectorate.

The beneficiary children, students of grades I-IV, participated in activities supported by volunteer teachers in order to prevent school dropout and improve school performance.

Volunteers from the community contributed to the organization of activities or were involved in the 2nd edition of the “Back to school” campaign and the 3rd edition of the “Share Joy” campaign.


62 pupils


16 volunteer teachers


17 volunteers


181 activities


388 volunteering hours



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