Adina Home Start

Program information
This program provides support to vulnerable families (with at least one pre-school age child) through carefully selected volunteers, trained and supervised by a professional.
Volunteers, usually parents themselves, visit the family for six months, once a week for two to three hours. Family visits last as long as the family needs them.
Through the Home Start Program, we prevent the occurrence of problems that can affect the harmonious development of children in their own family by strengthening the family’s ability to know the child’s developmental needs and respond adequately to these needs.
This program provides support to vulnerable families (with at least one pre-school age child) through carefully selected volunteers, trained and supervised by a professional.
Volunteers, usually parents themselves, visit the family for six months, once a week for two to three hours. Family visits last as long as the family needs them.
Through the Home Start Program, we prevent the occurrence of problems that can affect the harmonious development of children in their own family by strengthening the family’s ability to know the child’s developmental needs and respond adequately to these needs.
- Împărtășirea experienței parentale a voluntarilor și oferirea, într-un mod neoficial, nonformal, prietenos și fără a judeca, sprijin emoțional și practic
- De asemenea, construirea unei rețele sociale a familiei și facilitarea accesului la serviciile sociale
- Construirea relației și interacțiunii între părinți și copii
- Înțelegerea importanței educației copiilor și a armoniei în familie
- Schimbări pozitive în comportamentul părinților și al copiilor
- Creșterea stimei de sine
- Înțelegerea importanței igienei personale și minime reguli de conduită în societate
Home Start Advisory Council

Luminița Dincă

Gunn Skinlo

Veronica Gheorghiță
Program Beneficiaries
Annual Report 2023

Adina Home Start
7 vulnerable families, with at least one child of preschool age, from the communes of Șimnicu de Sus, Goiești and Fărcaș, were supported through volunteers selected from among the parents of our children, volunteer teaching staff in the Open Kindergarten, Afterschool Programs and online requests.
Between May 1st and October 30th, volunteers visited the families weekly, spending 2-3 hours with the children and one of the parents.
The organization and monitoring of the specific activities of this program are carried out by the Home-Start Worldwide accredited coordinator and the volunteer coordinator of the foundation.

21 children

13 parents

7 volunteers

160 visits

640 volunteering hours

I met a wonderful family with 2 lovely children. I was pleasantly surprised by meeting them. I was excited and so were they. They are 2 wonderful children, very active and playful. Metting them was like revisiting my childhood. I am always looking forward to seeing them, although I am very emotional every time.
– Home Start volunteer

Home-Start experience taught me that as long as children have shelter, food, love, and support, they don’t think any less of themselves. The problem starts when society pushes them outside.
There is no such thing as a problem without solutions, and we can constantly support children to believe in themselves despite any discouragement they feel or will feel. This experience taught me the importance of being happy and content with who you are and what you have.
– Home Start Program volunteer

We are glad when volunteers come to our home. The children are happy and we are pleased to see them happy.
– Home Start Program beneficiary

The family I visit is united and doesn’t let problems discourage them. The mother is a very nice person, and there are many things we can learn from one another. I think our families are very much alike. Looking at her is like seeing myself.
– Home Start volunteer